Friday, April 5, 2013

Women and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Rebuttal

Women are high maintenance and are always looking for attention.  They are also very sensitive compared to men.  Women in the workplace need to understand what a joke is and laugh along.  When men are talking to each other, I know from experience, they may insult each other as a form of greeting.  For example “What’s up dumbass?”  and they laugh along and continue the conversation.  In the workplace that is dominated by males, women cannot be so sensitive and feel as if they are of something more than a human being.  Males are just as much of human beings as females are and we all have the same feelings.

Women are looking for attention and sometimes wear provocative clothing.  If you don’t want men to comment on that you are wearing, then don’t dress like you are going to a club.  “One in four women has experienced workplace sexual harassment, this ABC News/Washington Post poll finds. One in 10 men say they’ve experienced it as well — and a quarter of men say they worry about being falsely accused of sexual harassment”(  Why are men afraid of being accused?   “Because it pays, and because the society would rather trust a lying woman than a possibly innocent man. Take the case of Ben Roethlisberger. Back in 2009, the star Steelers quarterback was accused of rape by a Lake Tahoe casino hostess” ( .  Women understand that they can over react and make everyone feel bad for them and make the man look like the enemy even if he didn't do anything wrong at all. 
In today’s society we are so protective of women that almost anything men do can be said to be called harassment.  

Women can use this to their advantage.  If there is a promotion coming up  women can say that recently the males in the office/workplace have been harassing her making her feel left out.  And possibly a new position could make her stand up as a boss to end it.  Women can use this to their advantage and get others fired for the woman’s advantage.  It seems like the only answer these days is to just ignore women completely so you can’t any fines or harassment suits against you.  In some cases women can have a “one night stand” with a guy and then later say it was rape and have texts that make it seem like that before the date.  With a good lawyer they could ruin a man’s financial state.  This needs to stop because men cannot work efficiently with women until we can this under control.

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