Woman getting mistreated in the workplace such as sexual
harassment is completely unacceptable and needs to stop immediately. “The
legal definition of sexual harassment is “unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that
is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment”
(http://www.equalrights.org ). For example, your boss finds you to be very
attractive and is trying to make a move on you by touching and it makes you
feel uncomfortable. First off, that
should not be allowed anyways at work because your job is a professional place
of business. Another example could be
that co-workers are making fun of the way you dress, or look and it
offends. We learned as children to not
pick on anyone and to think before you speak.
Once you say something you can never “un-say” what came out of your
lips. Has anything changed since then?
The answer is no, your expected to understand and grasp the concept that
what you say may make you feel good but harm others.
Women at almost every field of work generally have the most
basic of jobs, Such as customer service and secretaries. While all of their bosses are usually
men. This leads to women getting
harassed more because there is no female leadership to stick up for them. When this happens some women can feel afraid
to tell anyone because they could lose their job, due to the fact that they
could be making the boss look bad.
Anyone reading this can agree that when anyone makes fun of you or makes
you feel uncomfortable and you have no one to go to, it makes you upset and
angry. In return this can reduce the
productivity of workers and can cause serious health problems (http://www.epigee.org).
This not only can cause serious health problems but if
someone is also having a hard time at home, this could lead to something as
drastic as suicide (http://www.workharassment.net). Imagine the burden on your shoulders you
would have for the rest of your life knowing that you made someone so sad that
they ended their life. The impact on the
families of the deceased and how they feel.
Over the fact that you made fun of her because of the way she looked, or
as simple as the way she walks.
One thing to remember, there is a big difference between a
joke and harassment. A joke is when they
are not bothered and laugh along with what you say. Harassment is directed towards someone to try
and make them feel unpleasant
By doing even this businesses could increase productivity
because everyone would be happy and work would go by smother as well. Together
we can make an end to this, and make women feel more welcomed and not afraid to
go to work.
For anyone that is reading this that thinks they are getting
sexually harassed in the workplace please visit this website for important
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