In a big company how do you get promotions? Do you just get by and be average, or do you excel
past your peers and show your bosses the work you have done? Most men excel past their peers, while women
are average and then blame the thing called the “Glass Ceiling”. This is this barrier that women say they can
never get through to get the new promotion because all of the men take them. “You can't get
what you don't ask for, so ask for a promotion and a raise, even in a downturn.
Most bosses won't fire you for saying you'd like to move ahead. Have you ever
heard of anyone being let go for asking for a promotion, except during a
political battle for the top spot? Very often bosses don't even think about who
should be advanced and who shouldn't. They're busy juggling too many things.
You have to sell them on the idea of promoting you.”( This also proves that men have more confidence
in their work then women do.
If you don’t have confidence as an average worker, how would
that reflect as you being a leader and representing the company in a bigger
way? The answer is they would have a bad
impact, if you have to lead by example
and you are always nervous and not confident
about your work. How does that impact
your co-workers that listen to what you have to say? Their co-workers would not take them
seriously or be confused on the assignment they have to do. If women were as competitive as men were,
there would be a significant challenge in the work place.
“Women speak at a rate of about 250 words per minute,
compared to the average male rate of 125 words per minute. Men have about 7000
words a day to speak or write, while women have at least 20,000 words a day
that we need to
communicate to others”( Women talk 13,000 words more a day than men do. This means that at work, women statistically
talk way more than men do which lowers productivity. Men talk, get to the point, and then go right
back to work. On the contrary women
talk, gossip a little bit, slowly get to the point, and then back to work. In a higher up position women talking more
decreases productivity and sets the example that its okay to talk more while
you work or get distracted easier. “Another problem is that women spend a lot
of time at work shopping the average women on a daily basis spend about 30
minutes shopping every day. And the time
of shopping is between 11am and 2-pm the prime time of when most business are
at their busiest” ( Promotions
would available to women but when they decide to work instead of shop and have
more confidence they may have a chance.
But until that day happens men will dominate the workplace.
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