Sunday, April 7, 2013

Annotated Bibliography

Douglas Bason
Works Cited
Langer, Gary “One in Four U.S. Women Reports Workplace Harassment” Nov 16, 2011 12:01am.
Langer talks about how more women report more harassment charges in the workplace when most of the time they are to get attention more than get someone in trouble. I used this source in my rebuttal for “women and sexual harassment in the workplace”.  The source did not have all the information that I needed so I had to pick and choose my information accordingly to make a good counter argument.

“The New Female Consumer: The Rise of the Real Mom.” Advertising Age,November 2009. “Living La
Vida Rapida.” AOL/OMD Global Moms Study, July 2008.
This source was used in my rebuttal about the “Glass Ceiling”.  I was proving that women should              get promotions if they keep wasting shopping online.  The survey took a look at 800 women at                         different workplaces and saw when the prime time for shopping was.  It turned out to be during                                 the busiest time of the day.  Overall, it was a great piece of information to prove why women                           need to stop shopping if they want to get these promotions.

Hallett, Stephanie “Do Women Lie About Rape?” April 7, 2011
This source was taken from originally from but was summarized by “Know It All” on  I used this in my rebuttal for “women and sexual harassment in the workplace” I used this to prove that women try to get men in trouble and take money from them by saying they were raped.  This helped me prove that women look for attention and try to get money.  I said in my blog that they could use this to try and get promotions over men which was a complete disadvantage and could make the company have a bad reputation.

Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith, “How to Survive a Male-Dominated Workplace”
Sgt. Smith talks about a guide to surviving in a male-dominate workplace. I used this source very carefully in my Glass Ceiling rebuttal because it was mainly to help women but the author gave some information was against women getting promotions was where I was able to grab the information and use it accordingly.  The source was useful in the sense that I was able to prove a strong point but required a lot of work to do.

Macrae, Fiona “Why men get paid more than women: It's all because they are more competitive aged FOUR”
Fiona uses this to prove how men get paid more because they are more competitive than women from about the age of four and how it carries on throughout their lives.  I used this source in my “Women vs Men Pay Scales Rebuttal”.  I was able to gather a few quotes that had a great impact on how counter argument how men are born to be in the workplace while women are said to be homebodies and are less competitive than men.

There was no author for this source.  I used this to talk about how women being sexual harassed and no action being taken can reduce the profits of company’s and create dangerous health risks and could lead to women attempting suicide. This was used in my blog “Women and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace”.

There was no author for this source.  This came from Wikipedia the encyclopedia where anyone can type anything in.  I used this source very carefully.  The main reason I used this source was from the definition that was given.  It was very well constructed and helped me greatly. I used this in my “Glass Ceiling” Blog.
There was no author for this source but the resources used were from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR), and California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).  I used this source to give a very detailed definition of the word “Sexual Harassment.  This was used to help my intro to my blog “Women and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace”.  And also was used to give information to anyone reading this some helpful tips if they feel as if they are getting harassed.

Rein, Shaun. “Why Men Don’t Promote Women More” 12.11.09, 01:15PM EST.
Rein throughout the article explains how women don’t get promoted because they don’t ask or have confidence to go to their bosses and show them why they should get a promotion.  I used this in my

Eddy S. Ng and Willi H. Wiesner, Journal of Business Ethics , Vol. 76, No. 2 (Dec., 2007), pp. 177-187. “Are Men Always Picked over Women? The Effects of Employment Equity Directives on Selection Decisions”.
I used this as the hook of my rebuttal.   It was a great quote to mainly state that men deserve more pay because since birth men have been ready from work while men worked at home getting things ready for men when they got home from a hard days work.

Gary S. Insch, Nancy McIntyre and Nancy K. Napier Journal of Business Ethics , Vol. 83, No. 1, Women, Globalisation and Global Management (Nov., 2008), pp. 19-28
Both sources are Explaining the Glass Ceiling and how women can’t get higher promotions.  This source was used in my “The Glass Ceiling” blog.  The quote talked about how women not being in higher roles is counterproductive.    The author also talks about how lack of opportunity.  Which I discussed more in my blogg

Lam Thuy Vo,  “The Jobs With The Biggest (And Smallest) Pay Gaps Between Men And Women” February 12, 201312:33 PM
                This is where I got the graph for my men vs women pay scales blog.

There is no author for this blog.  I received the picture from  But it originated in  It is a picture I used in my “The Glass Ceiling” Blog.

There is no author for this blog but I used the information in my “Women and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace” Blog.  I used this information to explain how sexual harassment can lead to someone committing thoughts of suicide.

The Glass Ceiling Rebuttal

In a big company how do you get promotions?  Do you just get by and be average, or do you excel past your peers and show your bosses the work you have done?  Most men excel past their peers, while women are average and then blame the thing called the “Glass Ceiling”.  This is this barrier that women say they can never get through to get the new promotion because all of the men take them. “You can't get what you don't ask for, so ask for a promotion and a raise, even in a downturn. Most bosses won't fire you for saying you'd like to move ahead. Have you ever heard of anyone being let go for asking for a promotion, except during a political battle for the top spot? Very often bosses don't even think about who should be advanced and who shouldn't. They're busy juggling too many things. You have to sell them on the idea of promoting you.”(  This also proves that men have more confidence in their work then women do.

If you don’t have confidence as an average worker, how would that reflect as you being a leader and representing the company in a bigger way?  The answer is they would have a bad impact,  if you have to lead by example and you are always nervous  and not confident about your work.  How does that impact your co-workers that listen to what you have to say?  Their co-workers would not take them seriously or be confused on the assignment they have to do.  If women were as competitive as men were, there would be a significant challenge in the work place.

“Women speak at a rate of about 250 words per minute, compared to the average male rate of 125 words per minute. Men have about 7000 words a day to speak or write, while women have at least 20,000 words a day that we need to communicate to others”(  Women talk 13,000 words  more a day than men do.  This means that at work, women statistically talk way more than men do which lowers productivity.  Men talk, get to the point, and then go right back to work.  On the contrary women talk, gossip a little bit, slowly get to the point, and then back to work.  In a higher up position women talking more decreases productivity and sets the example that its okay to talk more while you work or get distracted easier. “Another problem is that women spend a lot of time at work shopping the average women on a daily basis spend about 30 minutes shopping every day.  And the time of shopping is between 11am and 2-pm the prime time of when most business are at their busiest” (    Promotions would available to women but when they decide to work instead of shop and have more confidence they may have a chance.  But until that day happens men will dominate the workplace.

The Glass Ceiling

Why don’t you ever see women in top positions at big businesses?  I’ll tell you why, it is because men are afraid that women cannot lead a company as well as women can.  Also known as “The glass ceiling”. Women being discriminated in the workplace because men are afraid of giving them a chance is 100% unacceptable.  “In economics, the glass ceiling is "the unseen, yet unbreachable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements”(   For women this is extremely unfair.  There are so many women that are qualified for the high positions, but in almost every case the men take the positions.

The glass ceiling is this invisible wall that women can never break.  It is a rarity that they get a promotion to a new position that puts them higher up on the board, or have an executive position.  The most women get is a stipend at work for working “X” number of years. “Unfortunately, for many MNC’s, the lack of female expatriate managers may turn into a self-defeating cycle as competent lower-level female managers leave the organization due to lack of opportunity for advancement to higher levels of management and/or the lack of higher-level female managers and mentors…”(
This is very counterproductive to only make men have higher positions.  Because in the women’s mindset some may think, well if they will never get the cooperate position or manager, why try as hard as the men are because being average is giving the same outcome as doing amazing.  If these positions were open to everyone jobs would thrive because you would have so many more people trying to get that new job that productivity in my opinion would increase dramatically.  Secretly it seems as if men are afraid that there counterpart is going to “show them up” and do a better job they do and decrease the number of men in these higher positions.  It is completely unprofessional to discriminate only because they are women.  Companies will thrive so much more once they realize that women can be just as great of leaders as men are.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Women and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Rebuttal

Women are high maintenance and are always looking for attention.  They are also very sensitive compared to men.  Women in the workplace need to understand what a joke is and laugh along.  When men are talking to each other, I know from experience, they may insult each other as a form of greeting.  For example “What’s up dumbass?”  and they laugh along and continue the conversation.  In the workplace that is dominated by males, women cannot be so sensitive and feel as if they are of something more than a human being.  Males are just as much of human beings as females are and we all have the same feelings.

Women are looking for attention and sometimes wear provocative clothing.  If you don’t want men to comment on that you are wearing, then don’t dress like you are going to a club.  “One in four women has experienced workplace sexual harassment, this ABC News/Washington Post poll finds. One in 10 men say they’ve experienced it as well — and a quarter of men say they worry about being falsely accused of sexual harassment”(  Why are men afraid of being accused?   “Because it pays, and because the society would rather trust a lying woman than a possibly innocent man. Take the case of Ben Roethlisberger. Back in 2009, the star Steelers quarterback was accused of rape by a Lake Tahoe casino hostess” ( .  Women understand that they can over react and make everyone feel bad for them and make the man look like the enemy even if he didn't do anything wrong at all. 
In today’s society we are so protective of women that almost anything men do can be said to be called harassment.  

Women can use this to their advantage.  If there is a promotion coming up  women can say that recently the males in the office/workplace have been harassing her making her feel left out.  And possibly a new position could make her stand up as a boss to end it.  Women can use this to their advantage and get others fired for the woman’s advantage.  It seems like the only answer these days is to just ignore women completely so you can’t any fines or harassment suits against you.  In some cases women can have a “one night stand” with a guy and then later say it was rape and have texts that make it seem like that before the date.  With a good lawyer they could ruin a man’s financial state.  This needs to stop because men cannot work efficiently with women until we can this under control.

Women and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Woman getting mistreated in the workplace such as sexual harassment is completely unacceptable and needs to stop immediately.  “The legal definition of sexual harassment is “unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment” ( ).  For example, your boss finds you to be very attractive and is trying to make a move on you by touching and it makes you feel uncomfortable.  First off, that should not be allowed anyways at work because your job is a professional place of business.  Another example could be that co-workers are making fun of the way you dress, or look and it offends.  We learned as children to not pick on anyone and to think before you speak.  Once you say something you can never “un-say” what came out of your lips. Has anything changed since then?  The answer is no, your expected to understand and grasp the concept that what you say may make you feel good but harm others. 

Women at almost every field of work generally have the most basic of jobs, Such as customer service and secretaries.  While all of their bosses are usually men.  This leads to women getting harassed more because there is no female leadership to stick up for them.  When this happens some women can feel afraid to tell anyone because they could lose their job, due to the fact that they could be making the boss look bad.  Anyone reading this can agree that when anyone makes fun of you or makes you feel uncomfortable and you have no one to go to, it makes you upset and angry.  In return this can reduce the productivity of workers and can cause serious health problems (

This not only can cause serious health problems but if someone is also having a hard time at home, this could lead to something as drastic as suicide (  Imagine the burden on your shoulders you would have for the rest of your life knowing that you made someone so sad that they ended their life.  The impact on the families of the deceased and how they feel.  Over the fact that you made fun of her because of the way she looked, or as simple as the way she walks.
One thing to remember, there is a big difference between a joke and harassment.  A joke is when they are not bothered and laugh along with what you say.  Harassment is directed towards someone to try and make them feel unpleasant

By doing even this businesses could increase productivity because everyone would be happy and work would go by smother as well. Together we can make an end to this, and make women feel more welcomed and not afraid to go to work. 

For anyone that is reading this that thinks they are getting sexually harassed in the workplace please visit this website for important information.

Women vs Men Pay Scales Rebuttal

“There is a general perception that men possess more of certain attributes such as dominance, aggression, and endurance, while females are seen as exhibiting to a greater degree attributes such as homemaking, nurturance, and succorance.”( .  Men deserve to get paid more because they work harder and strive for more than women.  This is why you see more women nurses and more men in field work such as a fire fighter and police work.  Men have been known to work harder while women stayed at home helping the kids out, cleaning the house, and preparing meals.  And men having these traits from birth strive in these fields while women are not as successful.

At around the age of four boys start to become competitive while girls just sit around and watch the boys do sports or just talk. “The University of Innsbruck researchers said the finding that males are happy to take on challenges from an early age could provide one reason why men consistently earn more than women in the workplace.”(  

Other research has proved that men have been striving to do their best since childhood. "In the first, children aged between three and eight took part in a 30 meter sprint after being given the choice to run alone or in competition with others.In the second, older children, aged nine to 18, were given the choice of doing a simple math tests either individually or as part of a contest.” (

Men being more competitive at everything they do in life means that they will try to do the best they can at work to try and impress others and make them feel as if they are the best while females play more of a passive role in the workplace.  Not only are they competitive but they also are more responsible with the money they earn.  Men don't go on shopping sprees like women do.  And half the time they buy things such as cloths that they never even wear,  I know this from experience.  And the harder you work should go against how much you get paid.  Jobs aren't looking for the “average Joe” they are looking for someone who is willing to compete to keep their job and get promotions faster.  That is why you tend to see more men in higher positions such as CEO’s and as far as the icon of America the President himself.    When you work harder, you deserve more, that is why men get the bigger paychecks. ( The beginning Quote)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Women vs Men Pay Scales

Women vs Men Pay Scale

How would you feel if you and your best friend had the same job but he got paid significantly more for the same work?  Angry…right? Well this is how women feel around the United States.  Women getting paid for the same work as men, is unfair because they have the same job men get but are paid less for it.  In some job area’s some women are paid almost 40% less than men are! (  Women are human beings just like men and can do the same work and sometimes even more but are given less for it.  Everybody from all from the world comes to America land of the free to seek the American dream.  For women getting that big promotion or getting the dream salary is like ghost stories.  It doesn't exist.

Women are treated as if they are inferior to men and have to listen to everything they say and sometimes even have a bigger work load.  If women are getting paid less to do the same job as men,  why should they try harder or work harder than men do?  For example Research shows that women get paid 67.2% of what men get paid for as a Teacher, and 80.2% of what men get paid is the National average(  For those who are not good at math that’s one third of a pay difference for teachers.  That’s the equivalent of taking four months’ pay from a male teacher!  When I put it into those terms people begin to realize how much money that truly becomes. And now lets think about all of those single mothers that are raising their children.  That not only hurts the mother but also the kids living in such poor conditions. The effects trickle down and does more damage under the surface than most people think.

Being a teacher, was only one job of many where women were getting paid significantly less than men were.  The picture in the top right corner is an example of where women are paid less than men except in two fields.  There is no reason why this should not be at 100% across the board  Women have been fighting for their rights since the 1800's it is now 2013 there is no excuse for women not getting treated equally as men anymore.

For those reading my blog the topic is Women in the work place e and how they are not treated the same way as men. (English 1200 Section 45 Project)

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